In addition to being an author, Rob is also an avid reader. Below is a list of some of the books he has read and recommends to others. Many of the books that Rob reads help influence his own writing style so if you like one you should like the other. Please click on the links on this page to view and purchase any of the books listed.

Unfortunately, independent, self-published authors are sometimes held in a bad light. There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of books self-published every year and sadly, many of them are not held to high standards. However, there are a lot of self-published works that do go through strenuous editing and quality control checks. Because of Rob’s experience as an English Comp & Lit college instructor, whenever he reads any book, he does view it through the eye of that role. It’s just something he can’t help!

These books do contain some errors. All books do. Even the traditionally published books. A recent read of a NYT bestselling author’s book revealed several errors in the last 50 pages of the book! Enough that Rob would have given that section of the book a C! Rob has also DNF’ed (Did Not Finish) books that simply contained too many errors. The DNFs do not appear on this page. Only books that Rob determines have minimal errors and show quality work get listed here.

Rob does the same with his own books. Rob’s books go through a tedious, extensive editing process. However, errors do sometimes sneak by, just as they do for the traditionally published authors (every traditionally published author on this page have some errors in their books as well). The errors aren’t distracting to the reader though.

I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have.

  • This list will continue to grow as more past read books are entered and new books are read.
  • Scroll to the bottom of this page or click here for a link to another website that provides lists of indie authors.
Independently Published Authors

Traditionally Published Authors

While I support independently published authors, I also read books by traditionally published authors. I’ve listed some of those authors for my readers to check out because their writings have influenced my own writing. I’m not saying my writing is on the same level, but I do hope to one day achieve that.


Other websites listing indie authors

Independently published Authors

Jeff Bauer Books – Jeff is a friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years and his books inspired me to resume my writing. After releasing Beyond the Grate I’ve apparently returned the favor because he may be getting back behind the keyboard to continue work on his fifth book, the third in The Cavern Kings series. I’ve read all of Jeff’s books. Actually, I proofread them before publication. If you enjoyed Beyond the Grate, you’ll enjoy Jeff’s books.

The Cavern Kings
Wakulla Bones (The Cavern Kings Book 2)
Sadie Sapiens
The Nukes of October: Secret sorties of an Air Force Phantom Pilot

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Jeremiah Beck Books – Beck is a former DJ who took to writing and released his first book, Recollection in 2023. The book is a dark, twisted journey into the mind of a talk show DJ who suffers from addiction, depression, and guilt. Beck is able to pull readers into this world through his dark prose. This isn’t the action filled thriller I typically read, but it did keep my interest throughout.


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Elisabeth Busch Books – Lisa Busch doesn’t exactly write novels. She writes a serial space opera that she releases on her Patreon and then a year later releases the books for readers not subscribed to her. While I’m not typically a soap opera type of guy, Lisa’s stories aren’t quite that cheesy. At least, not based on the very limited exposure I’ve had to soap operas. Are they even still a thing?? I’m definitely hooked on her writings and when I have time may just subscribe so I can catch up and not stay perpetually behind on her releases. She also has a few non-space opera based books that are more akin to guides than stories. Mostly ghost stories and one baby names book.

Children of Copernicus: Part 1/Bridges, Episodes 1-13
Children of Copernicus: Part 2/Starburst, Episodes 14-31
Children of Copernicus: Part 3/Ascension
Children of Copernicus: Part 4/Inheritance

The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 1: 50 Weird and Scary Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 2: 50 Strange and Spooky Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 3: 50 Uncanny and Unusual Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 4: 50 Eerie and Incredible Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 5: 90 Tiny and Terrifying Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 6: 50 Fantastic and Frightening Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 7: 50 Chilling and Thrilling Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 8: 50 Freaky and Fascinating Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 9: 50 Awesome and Ominous Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 11: 50 Peculiar and Puzzling Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 12: 50 Bizarre and Baffling Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 13: 50 Haunting and Harrowing Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 14: 50 Mysterious and Menacing Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Volume 15: 50 Alarming and Astonishing Tales
The True Ghost Stories Archive: Spooklights: True Tales of Anomalous Lights
Tiny but True Ghost Tales: 30 Spooky Supernatural Stories

The Real Top 1000 Baby Names: Combined spellings, real meanings, current trends & newly rising names

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Andrew Butters Books – I learned about Butters on Facebook through a couple of reviews by other authors that I follow. Their reviews spoke highly of Butters’ most recent novel, Known Order Girls. I just had to check it out. This is Butters first full length novel, the others being novellas and memoirs of sorts.

Hard Truth
Bent But Not Broken: One Family’s Scoliosis Journey
Near Death by a Thousand Cuts: A Humorous Memoir of Misfortune
Losing Vern
Retribution: The Mogul
Known Order Girls

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Itzel Cummings Books – I wasn’t sure what to expect from Cummings. I was pleasantly surprised as my go to is thrillers. I think her books are misclassified on Amazon. They are classified as psychological fiction but should be classified as thrillers because there’s definitely suspense in them.

The Family Web

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Jafe Danbury Books – I learned about Danbury on an Author Takeover in a Facebook Book Club group. I won one of his giveaways. Before I even received the book, I dove into his debut novel. I was not disappointed. It’s a heavy subject, but Danbury approaches it in a masterful way. Throughout most of the book, I was internally screaming at the main character to stop what was happening. It was frustrating. That’s what makes it good.

The Other Cheek
Leaving Phoenix
So Much Forever

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Mike Diaz Books – I connected with Diaz on Facebook in a small group of like-minded authors put together by Pat Taylor. At the time, Mike was working on his most recent book, a compilation of short stories. Mike reached out and asked me if I would read a beta copy and I jumped at the opportunity. The stories present a fresh approach to events as told from the perspective of the items that make it into a particular pawn shop. I enjoyed and think you will as well.

ESP Pawn Chronicles

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Thomas Emry Books – Emry writes slow burn thrillers. While his book may start off a bit slow, it does pick up pace and reels the reader in with its modern day story about social media and its negative influences.

Shrapnel & Avalanches

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Eric Grate Books – Grate writes short stories. He currently has two collections published. They are gritty, sometimes humorous, and what he describes as hardscrabble. They are perfect for reading a story at a time when you have a few free moments or to read through in one sitting cover to cover.

THE STREETS OF GREENFIELD: Tough People. Tough Times. Tough Town.
Snapshots in Time: Twenty Hardscrabble Vignettes

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Steve Grobschmidt Books – Grobschmidt writes sci-fi novellas. While short, the stories are still very entertaining. His main character is a woman named Lorelei Ogden and the story takes place in space, mostly in our galaxy. I’m looking forward to the third book in the series and hopeful that Steve will change it from a trilogy to a regular series.

Gemini Girl (Gamma Trita Trilogy Book 1)
The Divided Man (Gamma Trita Trilogy Book 2)
The Gorgon Void (Gamma Trita Trilogy Book 3)
Still waiting on the 4th book in the series…

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Anthony Harrington Books – Harrington writes horror comedies. He might not be for everyone as the humor can sometimes be dark and crude. I did enjoy both of his books, though. That may say more about me…
Harrington published his first book – Lamb of God – about 10 years ago and recently re-released an updated version of it. His newest book – Leap of Faith – is now also available.

Lamb of God
Leap of Faith

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J.L. Henry Books – Henry writes humorous fiction with a touch of suspense. I wasn’t sure what to expect as this is not the typical genre I read. I was pleasantly surprised. His book was easy to read and filled with little quips and satirical comments that had me chuckling throughout. It’s a cute story that takes place in a town full of pirates. That alone should tell you something.

Don’t Kill the Drunken Sailor (Law and Plunder Book 1)
Death of a Traveling Shantyman: Law and Plunder 2

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Gary Kruse Books – Kruse is a hybrid indie. He has a publishing company, but it’s a smaller company so much like most of us indie authors, Gary is constantly on social media marketing his books. His books were the first indie books I read (besides those of my friend). I ‘bumped’ into him on social media and jumped into his books. He’s an up and coming independent author just starting out. I have read both of his published works and am waiting for his third book, which he is currently working on.

Bleak Waters
Mistress of Crows

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Terry Lewis – Lewis is another hybrid indie. He has an agent and a publishing company, but he’s still doing local signings and marketing his books. I met him at a venue where we were both scheduled to do readings and signings. He’s also local to me and resides in Tallahassee. Most of his books are legal thrillers that take place in Tallahassee and the Big Bend area of Florida.

Fast Break
Privileged Information
Conflict of Interest

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Haley Anna Marie – I typically read thrillers and the classics. Haley Anna Marie was my first venture into the grimdark/fantasy genre. And she did not dissapoint. The Elementas series is well written and captivating. Definitely worth checking out!

Elementas: Yamay
Elementas: War of the Gods
Elementas: Keepers

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Leslie MacFarlane Books – A fellow author posted a review of MacFarlane’s book and piqued my interest. I grabbed the book on KU. The story is an interesting one. The concept strange. It had my attention, though. I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to reading more from MacFarlane.

Farn’s Syndrome

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Darin Miller Books – Miller published his first book – Reunion – the first in the series of Dwayne Morrow mysteries, a few years back and has since published four more in the series. The first three can be read as stand alone novels, although Miller insists they should be read in order. For the fourth Miller gave up on the stand alone concept and included several things that pretty much make it necessary to have read the first three books. Being that I like to read books from authors in the order of publication, I’m with him on this.

Broken Bits and Bobs (not part of the Dwayne Morrow series)
Over Consumption: A Dwayne Morrow and Jane Bond Novella
Equilibrium (a standalone horror)

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Leslie Noyes Books – I met Leslie at the Tallahassee Word of South event in 2024 the day after I had seen Darin Miller post a review of one of her Happy Valley books. The coincidence was too great to not start reading her series. It’s a fun series that I’m sure most will enjoy.

Mayhem at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 1
Wedding at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 2
Reunion at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 3
Christmas at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 4
Second Chances at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 5
Greed at the Happy Valley Motor Inn and Resort Book 6
The Cowboy and the Executive: A West Texas Romance

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Kailyn Pisano Books – Kailyn was 11 years old when she started writing her first novel, A Wolf’s Tale. She did an amazing job with this story. She has a well thought our plot, well-developed characters, and plenty of suspenseful moments to keep your attention as you read this wonderful story.

A Wolf’s Tale

Lizzie Qnert Books – Qnert’s first book delves into a serious and dark topic. The characters are well developed and story flows smoothly, keeping readers on edge and wanting more. May not be a book for all, but it’s definitely worth checking out.

Power Surge
Green Peeler

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Nykky Roadarmel Books – Roadarmel writes dark poetry and short stories. The stories start off normal enough, but they quickly took a turn into the world of the bizarre and horrific. They aren’t necessarily scary stories, but they definitely entail a twist of horror, and you’ll find yourself wondering what’s going on. Some of the stories are a bit disturbing, but that’s what makes them good horror stories.

Yes, Chef!
The Dark in the Light

M.C. Stokes Books – Stokes writes in a variety of genres. So far, she has published a love story, a mental health focused story, and a light BDSM story. These aren’t my typical reads, but I have enjoyed the books I’ve read so far. I recommend The End of Forever as a worthwhile read even if that’s not your genre. It’s not your Harlequin type of romance but rather a love story. It encompasses romance with immortality and magic.

The End of Forever
Miss M. A bdsm lifestyle romance
Miss M.’s Boys

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V.R. Tapscott Books – Tapscott caught my attention when he did a collaboration with Darin Miller. They wrote a short story turned novella titled Consumption in which their characters met at a convention in Vegas. It was a fun story and got me interested in the Jane Bond series. Jane Bond is a fun sci-fi series in which a librarian becomes a detective and finds herself in various situations with quite a bit of humor. I’m looking forward to reading more in this series.

Jane Bond: Humorous Science Fiction
Jane Bond: Dark Side of the Moon: Humorous Science Fiction
Jane Bond: Moons of Jupiter: Humorous Science Fiction
The Evershaw Curse – Jane Bond Book 4: Humorous Science Fiction
Jane in Space: Jane Bond Book 5 – Humorous Science Fiction
Jane Bond Book 6 – The Vanished Climber: Humorous Science Fiction
Jane Bond: Jane vs the Volcano: Humorous Science Fiction
Jane Bond Book 8: Hawaiian Vacation: Humorous Science Fiction
Lacey & Alex: The Dagger of Ill Repute: A Fantasy Adventure with a bit of romance
Lacey & Alex: A Whole New World: A Humorous Steampunk Fantasy Tale
Lacey & Alex: What Goes Up…: Urban Fantasy Adventure with a hint of Romance
Lacey & Alex: Must Come Down: Urban Fantasy Adventure with a bit of Romance
The Pirate’s Apprentice: Humorous Science Fiction Short Stories
Over Consumption: A Dwayne Morrow and Jane Bond Novella

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Patrick Taylor (The Texas Yeti) Books – Taylor writes memoirs about his life as a hermit after leaving the world-traveling executive life behind. I was fortunate enough to get an ARC of his latest book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Since then, I flew through the rest of his available books. Taylor pulls you into his world with his words in a way only few can. His books inspired me to create my own series – Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel. At about the same time, Pat decided to venture into the world of fiction with his own made up story. Looking forward to reading it some day!

Lost & Found: Navigating New Lives & Love
Lost on Purpose: Adventures of a 21st Century Mountain Man (Real-Life Adventures of the Texas Yeti Book 1)
River Hippies & Mountain Men: Adventures of a 21st Century Mountain Man (Real-Life Adventures of the Texas Yeti Book 2)
Alone on Purpose: Adventures of a 21st Century Mountain Man (Real-Life Adventures of the Texas Yeti Book 3)
Hardhat Ballet: Adventures of a Young Man Exploring the World (Real-Life Adventures of the Texas Yeti)
Humble Heroes: The Middle Fork’s Anderson Family
When I Was Cool: a modern Marco Polo

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Sharon Walker Books – I encountered Walker in a Facebook group started by Patrick Taylor. Sharon moved from the UK to Italy and has lived in Italy for many years. She writes short story compilations inspired by her own life and the lives of those around here. They are fun, inspirational stories that you can sneak in one by one if you only have a few minutes to read, or read from cover to cover if you have more time. I did a mix of both. I only wish the book was longer!

The Wife in the Wardrobe
The Perfect Fig
The Woman Who Married a Fish

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Daniel Wiebe Books – Wiebe writes grimdark series called The Severance Trilogy. His books do not have happy endings. He even tells readers at the very beginning to not expect to get a happy ending. This doesn’t take from the story. You know it will end badly, but you don’t know how it will end.

Blades of the NIght
The Shadow of Malignan
The Shield: A Blades of the Night Prequel
There’s supposedly another book coming out, but it seems we’re going to have to wait until Wiebe gets more followers on Facebook before that happens. I think it’s just his way of procrastinating and keeping us all in suspense.

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Peter Wood Books – Wood writes narrative, non-dialogue stories about the apocalypse. This was out of my usual genre of books for reading, but Wood does an excellent job of telling his stories and keeping readers interested. It went slowly for me at first, but once I was about halfway through, I found myself reading faster and wanting to see how things turn out.

The Steading: A Story of Survival and New Beginnings
The Fallen: The Last Days of Mankind
The Steading Saga: The First Days of Mankind

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Traditionally published authors

John Grisham Books – I have read all the John Grisham books because Grisham has had the biggest influence on getting my writing started. This link brings you to most of Grisham’s books. I include a link to Grisham’s first book, A Time to Kill, because it was the book that inspired me to begin writing novels.

A Time to Kill – this book was the one that influenced my beginnings in writing (see more in the About section)

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Tom Clancy Books – I am a big fan of the Jack Ryan Sr and Jr series originally started by Tom Clancy with Hunt for Red October and continued after his death by writers such as Don Bentley and Marc Cameron. This list will continue to grow.

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Harlan Coben Books – After first hearing about Harlan Coben through the many Netflix series that have been produced the past few years, I began reading his books. This list will grow as I find the time to read more of his collection.

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Nelson DeMille Books – I came across Nelson DeMille on social media. Even though he’s been published for more than 40 years he still actively promotes his works on Instagram. I like military thrillers so I picked up his first book that was published in 1979. I was hooked. I’m slowly making my way through his works. Some day I’ll make it to his most recent book!

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Stieg Larrson Books – Larrson wrote The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo along with two other books before he died. The series has continued beyond his death. Definitely a good series to read.

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Ernie Lindsey Books – I just stumbled upon Ernie’s books a while back and read all three in the Sara series. Well worth picking up.

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John Marrs Books – I’ve only read one of his books so far and immediately became a fan. Marrs writes thrillers and has been gaining popularity over recent years. I’m looking forward to reading more of his books.

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Andrew Mayne Books – Mayne writes books that involve scuba diving. For that reason alone I had to check them out. He has a series titled Underwater Investigative Unit. I’ve read the first book in the series and while I was not overly impressed, the writing is quick and easy to read. If you’re looking for an easy read, then check his books out.

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Brad Meltzer Books – A political thriller author and author of the Culper Ring series. I don’t recall how I came about Meltzer’s books but I enjoyed them so I’m listing them here.

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Chris Pavone Books – I’ve only read a couple books by Pavone, and of course, being that I come from Portuguese descendants, Two Nights in Lisbon was the first one. It also didn’t hurt that it included a high recommendation by John Grisham on the cover!

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Lisa Regan Books – I see a lot of posts on Facebook about Regan, including daily posts by Lisa herself and her dog Mr. Phillip. Well, anyone who loves dogs can’t be that bad. I picked up the first Josie Quinn series book and was instantly hooked. Her writing style is easy to read and the story is full of suspense. Definitely an author I recommend!

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